The product review and ratings feature will help the developer to add product reviews and submit ratings on individual products. To add a product review or rating from Home page, do the following: In Home page, search a product by providing the
Read MoreA subscriber is able to invite a new member (New Developer) to the SAMi portal by sending an invitation from the My Teams page. The My Teams page, is categorized into 2 tabs: Invite tab Members tab To invite a new team member to work on the subs
Read MoreThe subscriber (Developer) can create an app by navigating to the SAMi portal from the main menu. To create an app from the Homepage, do the following: Login as a Developer by providing your Email address and Password in the respective textboxes
Read MoreNon-Monetized products can be easily identified as their name is not followed by a dollar symbol. Similarly, all monetized products names are followed by a dollar symbol in the SKU name. To subscribe a product from the Homepage, do the following
Read MoreYou can subscribe to the Monetized product in Developer Apps from Home page. To subscribe to a monetized product, do the following: Login as a Developer in the Sign In In the Login page, Enter the Email address, and Password in the respective te
Read MoreSubscriber Support Files Subscribe to a Monetized product — Subscribe to a Monetized product Subscribe to Non-monetized Product — Subscribe to Non-monetized Product Create App — Create App Inviting A Member to SAMi — In
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